What Are The Services Like?

We worship in song, prayer, partaking of the Lord’s Supper, giving as we have been prospered and we worship in hearing the word and allowing it to speak to our heart. We try to make our worship service a personal experience between you and God within a congregational setting. The Sunday morning worship service generally last about an hour.

What To Wear

Simple answer…we don’t care! Feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable in!

Bible Messages

We look forward to Chad Knappier’s sermons. His preaching is biblical-based, practical, relevant and challenging. Chad believes that all Bible messages should be applicable to our lives to-day and challenges us with applicational principles each week.

When The Offering Plate is Passed

There is no expectation of you except to worship Christ as our guest. Although we have needs, it would be impolite to ask an invited guest to pay for anything. We are honored that you seek God within our fellowship. Being a Christian is not about money but a personal relationship. Giving is a responsibility of our members based on what the Lord has given them. As our guest, we want you to feel only compelled to hear the message of Christ.

What About Special Needs?

We have tried to make our structure as accessible as possible while maintaining it’s architecture. Most areas are accessible for many individuals. to be sure, simply call the office at 501.922.2827 or send us an email, to: villagecofc@gmail.com, and someone will try to answer your questions about any special needs.