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The Village Church of Christ is made up of people who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. We sense a real debt, as God’s children, to share His message of Love and Light to a world that is lost in darkness. We receive from Him and in-turn we give to others. This website is designed to share with you who we are and what we are about. It is our hope that as you visit this site you will be blessed by seeing all that is being done for His cause. We certainly realize that there is more that we could be accomplishing and would welcome any suggestions you would like to leave with us. Our vision is to be a Spirit-filled people fully dedicated to Jesus. Our mission is to be a unified family of Christians providing members with opportunities for spiritual growth and service; a family that shares the good news of Jesus with the world. If you ever find yourself in the area of Hot Springs Village, you would honor us by coming and visiting with us. You will find a warm welcome from an energetic, loving group of God’s people.