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Sewing for Angels

Welcome to the Village church of Christ Stillborn babies ministry. We work with a group from Little Rock ( ) in making and distributing handmade layettes for stillborn babies. These layettes are sent to hospitals all over Arkansas, Dallas Fort Worth area, Canada and are free to the hospital and to the parents. We have been mentioned in the Village Voice, the Democrat Gazette, in the Catholic quarterly, the national Catholic website, and the Methodist quarterly. Our work is totally funded by our church, our diligent workers and donations. We are always looking for workers (cutting, marking, pinning, sewing, etc.) We also appreciate donations of material, lace, ribbon, baby yarn, time and money. Our group gets together every Monday from 9:00 until noon at the Village church of Christ. Please feel free to stop by and visit with us. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact the church office.