SOZO Recovery Centers, Inc.


SOZO believes that spiritual growth and healing renewal are absolute essentials to long term recovery.

Spirituality and faith, through their associations with cognitive processes, create more positive health outcomes, including optimistic life orientation, higher resilience to stress, lower levels of anxiety, and positive coping skills. We believe that the environment and atmosphere in the recovery setting is of paramount importance. At SOZO you will share a home with no more than four to six residents. In comparison to large treatment centers, which typically house from 40 to 60 residents, SOZO allows for a personal approach.

Personalized counseling takes place every day at SOZO along with time for reflection, meditation of God’s word and prayer. SOZO provides faith based and 12 step substance abuse services in a home-like setting that is safe, and conducive to spiritual growth. The staff is a living example of a way of life that can sustain long term sobriety and recovery.

“One resident at a time, one family at a time, one day at a time”, is SOZO’s motto. Individualized care and loving attention to the specific needs of each resident is the essence of the program. Focusing of principles found in the Bible and 12 step fellowships produces fast and long-lasting results.