Our Vision for the Youth!


Our Mission

To provide the opportunity for growth in the biblical knowledge and spiritual direction to anyone participating in the educational program of the Village church of Christ. We want to challenge each one to come to a growing faith and knowledge of Jesus and to become mature in him.

Our Goals

To provide Biblical and quality education to everyone who attends the Village church.

To Provide materials and other resources for teachers through a managed and supplied resource room.

To train/mentor church members in order to constantly increase our supply of teachers.

To further train and encourage our teachers through education seminars.

To promote outreach to increase the number of those attending classes on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening.

Women’s Ministry

Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it; Love your neighbor as yourself.” The Women’s Ministry in our church family strives to follow God’s Word in all we do. We look for opportunities in which we can grow spiritually, and we look for opportunities in which we can serve others. Our desire is to be a Spirit-filled group of women dedicated to our Lord’s work.

SOS Recovery

Join us on any Wednesday! Village Church of Christ 210 Balboa Road Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Wednesday Evening 6:30 P.M. Christ-centered 12 steps “because we all struggle with…………” Hurts…heartaches such as grief, depression, loneliness and broken relationships. Habits…addictions to someone or something Hang-ups…attitudes such as anger, fear, resentment, grudges, excessive concern and anxiety. Do I have to be a church member to attend? No, it is not necessary to be a member.

SOS Recovery is for anyone interested in a Christ centered recovery program that will enable them to grow and heal. Do I have to share? Absolutely not! You’re 100% in control of when and how much you want to participate. Arrive anytime between 6:30 and 7:00 pm for “meet and greet.” At 7:00 pm we will begin with the Serenity Prayer and then listen to a short presentation about one of the eight principals of Celebrate Recovery. Around 7:15 we will assemble into small groups. Some may choose to leave at this time, but all are invited to stay and participate in a small group if they can. Each person is free to share their own thoughts and feelings. We do not meet to “fix” each other. We need to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thess. 5:11)